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Friday, April 07, 2006

This Looks Like a Job for "Buzz" Aldrin

Proof that God loves us and wants us to have a drink now and then (unless we're in AA)?

Astronomers say they have spotted a cloud of alcohol in deep space that measures
463 billion kilometres across.

Well, before you get in your truck and burn rubber to the Kennedy Space Center in hopes of catching a ride to the Universe's biggest happy hour, the alcohol cloud is more specifically methanol. Methanol is an organic (carbon-based) molecule and a cousin of ethanol, which is found in alcoholic beverages. But it's not fit to drink.

As Homer Simpson would say: "D'OH!"

Another way of looking at it is that it would put Methanex out of business. Ais it is now, Methanex investors aren't worried. That stock looks like it's breaking out.
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