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Wednesday, August 02, 2006

War with Canada? Whose Side Will Santa Be On?

In the Energy Bulletin, Kurt Cobb muses on a potential US "war" with Canada over natural gas.

You can find the story here...

Mr. Cobb raises some good points. For example: "The glib confidence with which Wall Street analysts touted the buildup in gas storage earlier this year betrays their ignorance about how tenuous those supplies really are. Underground gas storage currently stands at 2.8 trillion cubic feet (tcf) and could reach well over 3 tcf if the current hot weather abates and reduces demand for gas used to produce electricity. But those figures amount to a very small buffer when compared to the approximately 26.5 tcf consumed each year across North America."

However, with all due respect to Mister Cobb, I don't think it's time for dramatics yet, at least not about a potential war with Canada. First of all, there's a long waiting line -- the US has plenty of enemies (oh, the sweet, sweet smell of spreading democracy among the ungrateful) . Secondly, Canada has yet to develop a spine in dealing with the US. Case in point: The North American Free Trade Agreement, which seems to have been drawn up soley for the benefit of lucky idlers like Paris Hilton and fatcat oilmen who have yet to plunge the depths of their own greed.

In fact, I'm thinking of moving to Canada (business brings me there all the time). A potential "war" is not entering into the equation.

Anyway, one point that Mister Cobb doesn't address is whose side Santa Claus will be on in the conflict. After all, his ultra-secret base below the North Pole is perfect as a staging area for bombing runs on either country. My 4-year-old son -- who is on very good terms with Santa, and heard me talking about this to Mrs. B, and therefore is VERY concerned -- is waiting for an answer, Mister Cobb.
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