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"Luck is not chance, it’s toil; fortune’s expensive smile is earned.”

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Cutting the Cheese in Australia

"Today's the day,
"we give babies away,
"with every pound of cheese!"

-- old Irish nursely rhyme

I was working on a Red-Hot Asian Tigers issue today and came across this fascinating factoid: Australia's uranium exports in 2005 amounted to $475.1 million – about half as much as its cheese exports.

I think that ratio is going to change in 2006 and beyond. Why? Heck, look at this chart of uranium.

By the way, the spot price for uranium has jumped $2 to $US47.25 per pound in just the past week!

The good news is Australia's Labor Party is close to abandoning its "3 Mines" policy (that restricted the number of active uranium mines to three. Why 3? No one knows). And that should spark the next Australian uranium boom.
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