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"Luck is not chance, it’s toil; fortune’s expensive smile is earned.”

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Part II: A Mysterious, Gold-Rich Land

Hence, the Spanish crown found it wise to finance Columbus. He found the New World … and the soldiers of the Reconquista found their new purpose in life.

The Spanish explorers called themselves Conquistadores and styled themselves after the Reconquista. They hoped to achieve the same goals of God and glory … with gold thrown in.

The first islands the Spanish discovered and conquered -- Hispanola, Puerto Rico and Cuba – yielded some slaves, but no gold. But then the Spanish heard of a mysterious, gold-rich land to the West ... a mysterious land called Mexico.

The Conquistador who led the expedition to Mexico was Hernan Cortez, a smooth-talking sharpie who previously weaseled his way into the good graces of the Cuban governor. The colonial Spanish made political appointments purely on the basis of loyalty, not competence. This was to be doubly disastrous for their New World colonies, because these “loyal” friends often betrayed their benefactors. Suspicion was rampant. The Cuban governor had second thoughts and was about to throw Cortez in prison when he hauled anchor and took off for Mexico.

Sure enough, in Mexico, the Conquistadors found gold – and natives who were willing to trade it for beads, scissors and trinkets. But they wanted more. “Go see the Aztecs,” the natives told Cortez. “Their streets are paved with gold.”
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